Whole Picture Parenting

A holistic approach to children's emotional and behavioural challenges



Parent coaching, guidance & support

Parenting a child with emotional or behavioural challenges is complex. Finding understanding and support to help make sense of your child's difficulties and clarity around how to move forward can be life-changing.

Parent Coach Nicki Pittorino helps parents by:

  • Providing understanding and emotional support
  • Creating a roadmap to address the most pressing issues first and then working to resolve underlying triggers to achieve lasting change.
  • Providing easier access to relevant tools and information.
  • Giving parents an understanding of relevant health practitioners whose expertise may benefit the child; and support in implementing practitioners’ recommendations.
  • Developing clarity around communication with teachers and support for the child at school.
  • Supporting positive parenting and family relationships.

Every child and every family is different.

I look forward to helping your child and family thrive.